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Pinkwell Primary School


Mathematics September 2022 - 2023

Mathematics Curriculum Map 2021-2022

Mathematics Vision and Principles

At Pinkwell Primary School our vision is for children to develop a deep understanding of mathematical concepts by using concrete and visual models alongside the abstract in order to be able to develop fluency and to be able to reason and problem solve effectively, using accurate mathematical language. 
At Pinkwell Primary School, we believe that great mathematics occurs when…
●    Children use concrete and visual representations alongside the abstract.
●    Children are able to practise new concepts independently and in a variety of ways in order to develop fluency.
●    Children reason about their learning using accurate mathematical vocabulary, including generalising, following a line of enquiry, justifying and proving. 
●    Children identify patterns and make connections in their learning. 
●    Children have opportunities to apply their mathematical learning in other areas of the curriculum and make links to their own lives. 
Our Approach
In key stages one and two, we use the professional development spines and segments from the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) website to support our lesson planning and design. These materials show the concrete and visual representations that support children to develop deep conceptual understanding in number, as well as giving clear stem sentences that provide the mathematical language for children to reason accurately in order to ensure they are able to achieve rapid progress in their mathematical understanding.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage, we use the BBC Numberblocks animations in conjunction with the NCETM materials linked to these, as well as the White Rose scheme of work for Reception and a range of practical and real contexts to develop children’s early mathematical understanding. 

Pinkwell Primary School
