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School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please refer to the academy documents on the Elliot Foundation website.
Curriculum Policies
- Anti-Bullying Policy.pdf
- EYFS Policy.pdf
- More Able and Talented Policy.pdf
- Habits of Mind.pdf
- Educational Visits Policy.pdf
- Inclusion Policy.pdf
- Pinkwell Handwriting Policy and Procedure (2023) .pdf
- Behaviour for Learning Policy.pdf
- Relationships and Sex Education Policy.pdf
- Pinkwell Wellbeing Policy.pdf
- Equality Objectives and Public Sector Equality Duty Policy.pdf
- SEND Local Offer Policy.pdf
- Positive Handling Policy.pdf
- SENd Policy.pdf
- Online Safety Policy.pdf
- PE Policy 2023 - 2024.pdf