School Values
Our Values
- I am kind to myself and others
- I treat people how I want to be treated
- I am open to listen
- I treat everyone positively
- I celebrate people’s differences
- I check that others are okay and do what I can to help them
- I think about how people around me are feeling
- I listen to other people and consider their point of view
- I show people they matter with my words and actions
- Working together as a team
- Sharing ideas with others
- Actively listening to each other
- Supporting and inspiring each other
- Spot a problem and find an answer
- Learn to pick yourself up
- We grow from our mistakes
- When something is difficult we keep trying
The Elliot Foundation School Values
Put children first
- We trust and value your professionalism
- We share the responsibility for the learning and welfare of all of our children
- Our purpose is to improve the lives of children
Be safe
- Don’t assume that someone else will do it
- Look after yourself, your colleagues and all children
- We are all responsible for each other’s safety and well being
- Discuss any concerns with an appropriate member of staff
Be kind and respect all
- People are allowed to be different, as are you
- Kindness creates the positive environment we all need to flourish
- Kindness and respect should extend to ourselves as well as others
Be open
- If you can see a better way, suggest it
- If someone else suggests a better way to you, consider it
- Nurture innovators and support those who take informed risks in the interests of children
- We all make mistakes
- Admit them, learn from them, and move on
Make a difference
- Making the world a better place starts with you
- Model the behaviour you would like to see from others