Reception 2018 Offers
Offers are posted by the Hillingdon Borough Admissions Team by 1st class on Monday 16 April 2018. Parents who applied online will be able to log on to the e-admissions website and view their offer the same evening after 5pm.
Online applicants who received one of their preferences will NOT get an offer letter sent in the post. Online applicants who received an unallocated offer will receive an offer letter through the post. This will be explained when you log into your account to view the outcome.
Accepting the place - If parents applied online you should accept online by logging back into your e-admissions account.
For paper applicants you have 3 acceptance options; accept online on the site, by email or over the phone on 01895 556644.
Acceptance deadline - Deadline for parents to accept/decline their offer is Monday 30 April 2018. Failure to respond may result in the offer being withdrawn.
Declining the offer - We advise all parents to accept the offer that has been given to ensure their child has a school place for September. If parents do want to decline they must give reasons why and advise what school arrangements they will be making for their child. Any children who have not accepted and made no alternative education arrangements will be referred to the Participation Team once they statutory school age.