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Pinkwell Primary School

Indoor PE

By the end of KS1 students should be able to: Indoor PE


  • Perform body actions with control and coordination 
  • Choose movements with different dynamic qualities to make a dance phrase that expresses an idea, mood or feeling 
  • Link actions 
  • Remember and repeat dance phrases 
  • Perform short dances, showing an understanding of expressive qualities 
  • Describe the mood, feelings and expressive qualities of dance 
  • Describe how dancing affects their body 
  • Know why it is important to be active
  • Suggest ways they could improve their work 



  • Plan and repeat simple sequences of actions; show contrasts in shape; perform the basic gymnastic actions with coordination, control and variety
  • Recognise and describe how they feel after exercise 
  • Describe what their bodies feel like during gymnastic activity 
  • Describe what they and others have done 
  • Say why they think gymnastic actions are being performed well

By the end of KS2 students should be able to: Indoor PE



  • Work creatively and imaginatively on their own, with a partner and in a group to compose motifs and structure simple dances 
  • Perform to an accompaniment expressively and sensitively 
  • Perform dances fluently and with control
  • Warm up and cool down independently
  • Understand how dance helps to keep them healthy 
  • Use appropriate criteria to evaluate and refine their own and others’ work 
  • Talk about dance with understanding, using appropriate language and terminology


  • Make up longer, more complex sequences, including changes of direction, level and speed
  • Develop their own solutions to a task by choosing and applying a range of compositional principles 
  • Combine and perform gymnastic actions, shapes and balances 
  • Show clarity, fluency, accuracy and consistency in their movements
  • In small groups, prepare a sequence to be performed to an audience 
  • Understand the importance of warming up and cooling down
  • Say, in simple terms, why activity is good for their health, fitness and wellbeing 
  • Show an awareness of factors influencing the quality of a performance and suggest aspects that need improving

Pinkwell Primary School
