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Pinkwell Primary School

Pupil Premium

This year, Pinkwell Primary School will receive £1345 for each pupil eligible for Pupil Premium Grant funding; £300 for Services Children; and £2345 for ‘Looked After’ and ‘post-Looked After’ children. Our total PPG allocation for the academic year 2021/22 is: £290,915.60.


This funding is based upon the number of children on roll who were in receipt of free school meals in the last six years (Ever 6) from our local authority in January 2021. As a school, we are committed to ensuring that this funding is strategically spet to significantly and positively impact upon the achievement of our pupils.


The National School Deprivation Ranking (2019) places Pinkwell Primary School in one of the 40% most deprived neighbourhoods in the UK (10820/32844 based on Multiple Deprivation rankings), while the IDACI (Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index) places Pinkwell in one of the 30% most deprived neighbourhoods in the UK (9771/32844). Despite this, we have high aspirations for all pupils in our school community and believe that they should all be given the best opportunities to reach and exceed their potential. We aim to provide personalised learning opportunities and targeted support to allow every child to engage positively in their learning and flourish at all times.

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

Pupil Premium Action Plan 2021 - 2022

Pupil Premium Action Plan 2020-2021

Pupil Premium Strategy Impact Report 2020 - 2021

Pupil Premium Impact Report 2019-2020

Pinkwell Primary School
